Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hams looking for homes in West Palm Beach Area

If you are interested in buying or renting a home in the West Palm Beach area please visit my fiancĂ©e website .  She will give you a FREE list of ALL homes in the area that you are looking for.   i.e. Wellington, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Boca Raton, Boynton, Delray Beach, Lake Worth, etc.

She can be contacted at .  Unfortunately she is not a ham (yet!).  But as she helps me in my projects (dipole construction, etc.) she ask more and more questions .  When she is ready, I am certain she will take her ticket.

General License

On saturday December 27, 2008 I took my General License exam in St. Petersburg Florida.  My licensed was upgraded from Technician to General, thus allowing me to operate on a large portion of the HF band capable of around the world communications.  I thank all the VE's on my exam who were very amicable; I hope to see you on the air.
